Children’s Teeth Cleaning
Dental hygiene is essential for both adults and children alike in not only maintaining oral health but also improving overall well-being. Before the first primary tooth appears, parents are advised to offer proper dental hygiene. It is important to use a damp clean cloth to wipe your child’s gum at least twice a day. This is a preventive measure to remove plaque and maintain the gums to ensure teeth will grow healthy. Other dental precautions on children are limiting the intake of sugary foods like juice and ensuring that children sleep without objects in their mouths, such as a milk bottle.
The introduction of dental hygiene to children at an early age is essential. It should be done gradually and gently. It is advisable to teach them using a soft-bristle baby toothbrush and water. Toothpaste is reserved for children above the age of two. When teaching them how to brush, use baby toothpaste and only in small amounts. Teaching your children the importance of oral health is essential in laying a foundation for their future. Children carry good dental care habits into adulthood.

Why should your child undergo regular cleanings?
Maintaining oral hygiene at home by brushing your teeth regularly is necessary but may not be an effective solution enough to keep teeth clean. Flossing is also effective but cannot reach pathogens hidden certain angles inside the mouth. For this reason, dental cleanings come in to provide the necessary ‘deep cleaning’ to eliminate plaque buildup and tartar.
Children need cleanings as much as adults do. A common misconception about children’s dental cleanings is that babies may not need to see a dentist until permanent teeth grow. The truth is maintaining the health of primary teeth keeps the gums healthy, aids in speech development, allows your child to consume meals properly, and lays a strong foundation for the growth of permanent teeth.
Regular cleanings are essential for a child’s oral and general health. When children are young, they are at high risk of cavities. During cleanings, Dr. Vanessa Wadden, or any of our experienced staff, will identify cavities and other oral problems present. Food debris and stains are also removed to prevent oral diseases. Through these cleanings, your child’s smile will remain beautiful and healthier. It prevents more stressful visits to the dentist because of oral complications.
What happens during cleaning?
The first step is to examine the child’s gums and teeth using a small mirror. This allows us to find the cause of dental problems. After identifying the cause of the problem, an informed decision will be made on how to proceed. The next step during cleaning is to remove plaque and tartar. Tartar, also known as calculus, is plaque that has hardened after accumulating for several days. It is the leading cause of infection which causes bleeding gums and cavities. Tartar that has built up between teeth and on the gum line is scraped away gently using a scaler.
After the removal of tartar, we use a special toothpaste to clean your child’s teeth. By using a high-powered toothbrush, the teeth are polished. One of the final steps is flossing between the teeth. This allows us to spot sensitive tissues and remove plaque that has remained between the teeth. The last step would be rinsing the mouth to remove residual toothpaste and remaining debris.
We encourage parents to use simple tricks like reading dental health stories to children and buying them toys such as dentures as a way to teach them the importance of oral health. This also makes them comfortable during dental visits. The best time to take your child for their first dental visit is when the first tooth appears. However, you could schedule an appointment earlier. After the first visit, they should see a dentist twice each year. This way, we can keep an eye on their progress.
Children’s Dental Cleanings in Muscatine, Iowa
Dr. Vanessa Wadden and the rest of our staff are determined to offer your child the best dental services that will help them as they grow. Healthy Smiles Family Dentistry provides a safe and comfortable environment for everyone, including infants, children, adolescents, and adults. Children’s d
ental cleanings are one of the primary ways to eliminate disease-causing microorganisms and prevent dental problems. During regular checkups, we are able to notice issues that need to be addressed. In addition to maintaining your child’s oral health at home, make sure that they visit the dentist for cleanings at least twice a year. If you live in Muscatine and the surrounding areas, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us for cleanings or consultation.
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Aliquam velit velit, faucibus vel egestas sit amet, ultricies nec elit. Ut molestie nisi vitae nulla scelerisque, quis finibus ante posuere. Phasellus aliquet at turpis pretium blandit. Sed pellentesque tellus ac magna tempor, convallis laoreet neque maximus.